Healthcare News

  • Wrist Pain Causes and How to Treat It

    Wrist pain has a lot of possible causes, including a sprain, tendonitis, arthritis, and fractures. Some may heal with rest, while others may need treatment. It may also be a chronic issue that has the potential to cause long-term pain in the wrist.

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  • Identifying Early Arthritis in Fingers

    Early arthritis in the fingers can cause dull, achy pain, stiffness, swelling, and weakness in the joints. These symptoms tend to develop slowly and worsen over time. You may notice that the symptoms are worse in the morning

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  • Prevention of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

    You can reduce your risk of carpal tunnel syndrome by preventing repetitive strain and learning to keep your wrists in a neutral position. However, you may be more prone to carpal tunnel syndrome due to underlying health conditions, anatomic factors, or a wrist injury.

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  • De Quervain`s Tenosynovitis: Conservative Management and Surgical Treatment

    De Quervain's tenosynovitis (also called de Quervain's disease) is a condition that affects tendons that attach to two muscles of the thumb—extensor pollicis brevis and abductor pollicis longus.1 This condition typically develops from repetitive use of the thumb for activities such as twisting and pinching, but the cause is not always known.

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  • Wrist Fractures: Treatment and a Warning for Osteoporosis

    Wrist fractures, also known as distal radius fractures, account for 18% of all fractures in people age 65 and older. The wrist is a complex joint connecting the forearm's two bones—the radius and the ulna—to the hand.

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  • Treating Hand Arthritis Without Surgery

    There are many things we can do to try to improve arthritis symptoms when they occur. Conservative management of arthritis- meaning treatment without surgery- is almost always the first step. There are many options to try. Usually these treatments work best when they are used all together over several weeks or months

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  • Active older adults with distal radius fractures may benefit from surgical treatment

    Sustaining a [distal radius fracture] may impose severe restrictions on lifestyle for those who are active despite their chronological age. These individuals can benefit from surgical treatment, which enables earlier return to daily function

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  • 7 Exercises To Help Ease Tennis Elbow Pain

    Tennis elbow isn't very common. According the Cleveland Clinic, only 1-3% of American adults experience the condition. However, if you're among that population, you know that tennis elbow can be a real pain — literally — and it can make it difficult to work and enjoy your favorite activities.

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  • What to know about scaphoid fractures

    A scaphoid fracture involves a break of one of the bones on the thumb side of the wrist. The scaphoid bone plays a role in the ability to move the wrist joint. When it fractures, it impairs the function of the wrist.

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  • Mix of treatments could be way to restore hand function in thumb-base osteoarthritis

    A randomized clinical trial led by Sydney researchers called the COMBO study, has found rather than a single solution, a combined approach of already available options including education, a splint to support the thumb, hand exercises, and a pain relief gel could be a promising lead in helping volunteers with thumb base osteoarthritis regain hand function.

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  • American Society for Surgery of the Hand (ASSH)
  • American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS)
  • The American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery (ABOS)