I recently returned from my annual hand club meeting. The Manus Club was started in 2006 and consists of 30 hand surgeons from around the country. The concept behind this club and other hand clubs is to create a cohort of surgeons who completed their training within a few years of each other, who could use each other for advice, collaboration, and support.
We hold a meeting each year at a different location, we bring our families with us, we share challenging cases with each other, we teach each other about new techniques, discuss complex diagnoses, and this year, shared shopping tips. It is my favorite meeting to go to all year. I look forward to seeing these colleagues, many of whom are leaders in the field of hand surgery, and learning from them. I look forward to seeing their families, and watching their children and mine grow up together.
This year, our meeting was held at Green Lake, WI. We stayed at the Heidel House Resort, and had a wonderful meeting. Being a part of a group like this, for me, is one of the most enjoyable parts of being a hand surgeon. I look forward to seeing many members of the club again at the American Association for Hand Surgery meeting in Seattle, and again next year, at our 10th annual Manus Club meeting to be held in Puerto Rico.
Visit www.manusclub.org for more information
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